One last day at the market...

We'll be at the Ballard Farmer's Market Sunday, December 21st, from 10am to 3pm. We have as many pans as we could make, and we'll have the IOU gifts too - hope to see you there!

This will be our last day for 2014 - we're off to enjoy a couple of weeks of some much needed R&R. We'll get back to it January 5th, and get those IOU orders out just as quick as we can!

Thank you all so much for everything, it's been an amazing couple of months. We're so very grateful for the orders, the kind words, and all the well wishes!

Thanks again, and have a wonderful holiday!

Patrick & Caryn

Holiday Open Studio...

Tomorrow! Saturday, December 13th - 11:00am to 6:00pm  ~ Hope you can join us for the Ballard Metal Arts Holiday Open Studio!

We've got some guest artists, and the rest of the folks in the building will have their doors open too. Patrick will doing some blacksmithing demos, and you can enter to win a 9" Fry Pan! We'll have a limited number of pans and the IOUs available as well. It's the same night as the Ballard Artwalk, so a great day to be in Ballard!

Happy holidays,

Blu Skillet

IOU pan gifts are now available!

Special for the holidays! An IOU gift package to give as a placeholder until we can make the pan(s). It's not the actual pan, but it's a lovely little thing to open up on Christmas morning and have as a keepsake until the pan arrives.

Each order comes with a magnet and a gift card, saying we're forging a (blank) - whatever your order is, and that it'll be ready as soon as possible.

Orders will be processed over the next 3 months, and will be shipped or available for pick up in 4 - 12 weeks. If you want to pick your order up at the studio, just type 'pickup' into the promo code and the shipping charges will be waived.

We're still busy making pans, but it's getting down to the wire - we'll continue to keep you posted!

Happy holidays,

Blu Skillet Ironware

The next two posts to the online store...

A couple of back to back store updates this time! We'll post new inventory to the online store:

  • Thursday, December 4th at 5:00pm PST
  • Sunday, December 7th at 9:00am PST

We're also working on a little IOU gift package in case we're not able to make enough pans for the holidays - we'll let you know more about that option just as soon as we can!

Thank you,

Blu Skillet

Shop the wares...

We're updating the online store this Saturday, November 29th at 9:00am PST!

I had promised a midweek store posting, but I completely forgot about Thanksgiving! So Saturday it is, and we'll try again next week for a weekday post!

Also, we're hoping to make enough pans this season, but if not, we'll make gift certificates available as we get closer to Christmas - we'll keep you posted!

Thank you so much, and have a wonderful thanksgiving!

New pans!

We'll be updating the online store tomorrow morning - Saturday, November 22nd at 9am PST (west coast time)!

Thanks for hanging in there with us this week! Still getting the last of the orders out and prepping new inventory for tomorrow. We're also working on yet another batch of pans for the next update - we're shooting for midweek...we'll keep you posted!

The NW is home to some amazing blacksmiths...

Patrick and a group of Northwest blacksmiths get together to collaborate on public projects now and then. They just spent a long weekend (four 12-15 hour days...ow) making a fire pit. It was great to see the process, and I just wanted to share a few pics with you - if you would like to know more about the group, check out their site, Contemporary Blacksmiths.

Forged to the nines...

New pans, same perfection - our 9" pans are finally on the shelves! Not too big and not too small, they’re just right for so many things.

The 9” Fry pan is the perfect size for a two-egg omelet, and the 9” gratin will make a great pie pan...the 9” French skillet does all of that and looks gorgeous doing it!

Getting ready for Urban Craft Uprising...

...which is coming up fast! July 12th & 13th, 10am - 5pm.

Check out Urban Craft Uprising for details.

Hope to see you there!

New pans, old press...

We're finally able to update our online inventory today!

We're so grateful for the mentions of us in the Seattle Magazine, Seattle Met, and the Ballard Farmers Market blogs for Father's Day - Thank you!

That got the word out and we completely ran out of pans! But we've been busy this week making new ones and they came back from the sandblaster's today - all spic and span and ready to blue!

Patrick also put the finishing touches on a custom fire pit he's been working on - it was so gorgeous, I wanted to share some photos of it!

We want to thank everyone for being so supportive! It's been a busy couple of weeks with hopefully more to come!


Blu Skillet

A bike bell for Bike Works...

Bike Works asked if we could donate a pan for their 12th Annual Benefit Auction, so we gave them a pan and made them a bike bell - it turned out so lovely!

Bike Works is a nonprofit working to empower youth, celebrate community and benefit the environment by fostering a love of bicycling! We're honored to be able to contribute to their amazing work!

You can find out more about them here.

The auction is March 23rd at the Seattle Design Center - here's the details.

We've had a couple of other fun projects go through the shop lately...

These beautiful door handles and some very cool brackets! They're timber straps with wedges, designed to hold together multiple timbers vs. one giant beam. Above is the prototype, the rest are out back getting that rusted weathered look - they'll be a gorgeous contrast to the wood! 

It feels a little like spring, the shop is starting to thaw...and there's been a lot of hammering! 


Blu Skillet