A short history and what's next.

Some of you know us, and some of you are new to our business, so a little history or recap seemed in order...

It's been almost three years since the pan idea was born. It happened when Patrick came home with a pot rack for our apartment, and while hanging up the pans he came across an old crepe pan of mine. "This is just carbon steel...I can make this." became, what is now, our little hand-forged pan business.

Over the months the idea took on a life of it's own. We made the logo, the website, print materials... We hit the ground running in March of 2013 at the Ballard Farmer's Market. We had no idea what to expect, and the response was wonderful! We developed the product and the business little by little as only a couple of art majors could, with a lot of intention.

Forging and finishing the pans requires a lot of skilled craftsmanship, and it's an extremely labor intensive process. We don't make them one by one, and we can't make them by the thousands - we make very small batches of about 25 pans per week, while also managing the day-to-day operations of a small business.

Cook's Illustrated listed us as manufacturers, but it's probably easier to think of us as makers - a bit of a buzzword lately, and we don't really mind it. It's hard to describe what we do sometimes - even to ourselves. We're figuring it out as we go, but behind it all is a desire and commitment to make beautiful things that are more than the sum of their parts.

We've experienced a huge increase in demand since the article came out, and we're doing what we can within some tight limitations. Thank you all for bearing with us - it's been an amazing year, and it's been really wonderful to read everyone's emails and comments - they mean so much!

Our last online store posting for 2015 is Wednesday, October 7th - we'll post again in February 2016. We'll also have some pans available at our annual Holiday Open Studio in December - so if you're local, stay tuned!

Thank you!

Patrick & Caryn